Important deleted scenes game thrones


Bronn and Shae – Season 4

After Tyrion ends his relationship with Shae in season four, he sends her away to Pentos where he hopes she will be safe. In the aired episode, the scene ends shortly after he breaks off their relationship. A deleted scene on the season four DVD set shows what happens afterwards: Bronn comes to take Shae away to her Pentos-bound boat, and the two have a brief conversation. In typical Bronn-fashion, he doesn’t attempt to sugar-coat the situation with Shae. “You didn’t really think it was forever, did you?” he asks. “These people, even the good ones—they use us as they please.”

It’s an interesting scene between two of the most prominent “non-noble” characters on the show, and what he says next reveals what may have become part of Shae’s motivation for betraying Tyrion later during his regicide trial: “When we’re no longer any use, they spit us out and find someone else they like.”