Important deleted scenes game thrones

Arya and the Mummers – Season 6

In several parts of season six, Arya works with the troupe of mummers in Braavos as they perform their satire of Westerosi current events, The Bloody Hand. In this extended scene, we get to see much more of the play than appeared in aired episodes of the show, including a funny interaction between “Robert” and “Cersei.”

The speech of King Robert involves a lot of vulgar rhymes and pretend flatulence, which begins to affect a pair of prim older women in the audience near Arya. Eventually, the play is too much for the women, with one remarking sarcastically, “Violence and profanity—how original.” Arya, her face a perfect look of disgust, turns to the ladies and replies, “Why don’t you just leave then?”

If you’re familiar with the controversy surrounding the show after the events following Sansa’s wedding to Ramsay Snow in season five, it’s not hard to recognize this deleted scene as a subtle dig at the viewers who complained about the violence and other “inappropriate” behavior on the show.