Important deleted scenes game thrones

Loras and Margaery – Season 2

In this deleted scene from season two, we find Loras and Margaery Tyrell in mourning following the death of Renly Baratheon at the hands of Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre’s shadow assassin. In the brief scene, Loras is clearly more grief-stricken than Margaery—which makes sense, given that Loras and Renly were lovers. Loras blames himself for the death, saying that he pushed Renly to put forward a claim to the throne; perhaps Renly would still be alive if he hadn’t.

Ever the pragmatic sibling, Margaery does her best to turn Loras away from his grief and get him to focus on the future, especially with the realm at war. “He doesn’t need you anymore; I need you. Our family needs you,” she tells him. The scene offers a glimpse at the strong bond between the siblings, as Loras begins to sob in his sister’s arms.